Category Archives: Ikarim

13 Ikkarim 09 – Moshe’s Prophecy

In this shiur Rabbi Triebitz discusses the 7th Principle, the prophecy of Moshe Rabbeinu. He looks at Rambam’s distinctions between the prophecy of Moshe and that of all other prophets. He also claims that the book that Rambam claims that he will write about the prophecy of Moshe is in fact Moreh Nevuchim.

The sources for the next shiur are, Guide 2:35, Introduction to Guide, 3:25, 3:27, 2:39, 3:54, 3:26, 3:40, 2:45.

You can watch and download the shiurim below. As always please send any comments, thoughts, ideas or criticisms to admin at

Video of shiur 09

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Thirteen Ikarim 09
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Thirteen Ikarim 09

13 Ikkarim 08 – Prophecy

This shiur discusses the 6th principle of the 13 Ikarim – prophecy. Rabbi Triebitz asks (and answers) several questions on this principle:

Why does Rambam include this as a separate principle, when it is basically included within the 7th principle – prophecy of Moshe Rabbeinu

Why is prophecy described by Rambam as the sum total of all wisdom?

Why does Rambam not mention here the Torah view of prophecy, making it sound instead more like the philosophers’ view of prophecy?

Is prophecy still possible today?

These and more are answered in this excellent shiur. Some of the sources for the shiur:

Moreh Nevuchim II:32 (and in English)
Moreh Nevuchim II:26 (and in English)
Moreh Nevuchim II:12 (and in English)
Moreh Nevuchim II:39 (and in English)
Bava Basra 12a (and in English)
Yesodei HaTorah chapter 7 (and in English)

You can watch and download the shiurim below. As always please send any comments, thoughts, ideas or criticisms to admin at

Video of shiur 08

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Thirteen Ikarim 08
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Thirteen Ikarim 08

13 Ikkarim 07 – Prayer

This shiur from Rabbi Triebitz deals with the 5th principle of Rambam – service of G-d. Rabbi Triebitz asks why this Principle comes here, and not immediately after the Principles which deal with the nature of G-d. He explains that prayer is dependent on both G-d’s free will and human free will, which is the main point of the previous principle.

He also shows the dual nature of worship for Rambam, and the distinction between directing prayer to G-d, and meditation on the thoughts of G-d, through prophecy and liturgy.

Some of the sources for the shiur are:

Moreh Nevuchim I:52 (or in English)
Moreh Nevuchim I:59 (or in English)
Moreh Nevuchim II:36 (or in English)
Moreh Nevuchim II:12 (or in English)
Moreh Nevuchim III:51 (or in English)
and the second Shaar of Nefesh haChaim (Mainly 2:2 and 2:4)

You can watch and download the shiurim below. As always please send any comments, thoughts, ideas or criticisms to admin at

Video of shiur 07

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Thirteen Ikarim 07
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Thirteen Ikarim 07

13 Ikkarim 06 – Creation ex Nihilo

This shiur in the 13 Ikarim focusses on the controversey concerning the Rambam’s position on creation ex nihilo. Rabbi Triebitz looks at chapters 13, 25, and 30 of section 2, and chapter 25 of section 3.

Rabbi Triebitz also looks at Rambam’s introduction to the Guide where he speaks about the usage of contradictions.

He explains Rambam’s true understanding and belief of creation, and shows that both the eternity of the universe and creation ex-nihilo are essential beliefs for Rambam’s concept of G-d. Eternity allows for laws of nature and ethics, and creation ex-nihilo allows for free will for both G-d and man.

You can watch and download the shiurim below. As always please send any comments, thoughts, ideas or criticisms to admin at

Video of shiur 06

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Thirteen Ikarim 06
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Thirteen Ikarim 06

13 Ikkarim 05 – Invariance Principle

In this shiur Rabbi Triebitz challenges Marc Shapiro’s claim that the later views of kabbalists are incompatible with Rambam’s concept of monotheism. Rabbi Triebitz attempts to show that the same dichotomy between G-d in and of Himself and G-d as perceived by mankind through G-d’s actions exists within the thought of Rambam and is agreed upon by all the mainstream kabbalists.

Rabbi Triebitz also begins a discussion of the fourth principle about the denial of eternity of the universe and shows why Rambam considers this to be a ‘great principle’ in the Torah of Moshe Rabbeinu. It is this concept which is the basis of free choice, as well as underlying the possibility of prophecy, miracles and revelation.

You can watch and download the shiurim below. As always please send any comments, thoughts, ideas or criticisms to admin at

Video of shiur 05

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Thirteen Ikarim 05
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Click here to download the shiur in audio mp3 format
Thirteen Ikarim 05

13 Ikkarim 04 – G-d’s Ethics

Rabbi Triebitz explains how G-d’s unity leads to G-d’s ethics. Only because G-d is unknowable, and His knowledge and will are both His Essence can we come to imitate G-d and be both thinking and ethical.

Sources: Moreh Nevuchim I:68-9, III:54 (and others, but start with those)

You can watch and download the shiurim below. As always please send any comments, thoughts, ideas or criticisms to admin at

Video of shiur 04

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Thirteen Ikarim 04
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Click here to download the shiur in audio mp3 format
Thirteen Ikarim 04

13 Ikkarim 03 – Order of the Ikarim

Rabbi Triebitz discusses the order of the 13 Ikarim. He points out that according to the explanation in Moreh Nevuchim (I:54-59) the third Ikar should come before the second Ikar.

I develops this theme and discovers the hidden message within the Ikarim – that they are intended to show us fundamentals of human behaviour, not fundamentals of G-d.

You can watch and download the shiurim below. As always please send any comments, thoughts, ideas or criticisms to admin at

Video of shiur 03

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Thirteen Ikarim 03
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Click here to download the shiur in audio mp3 format
Thirteen Ikarim 03

13 Ikarim 02 – Refutation of Kant

In this shiur Rabbi Triebitz tackles Imanuel Kant’s refutation of both the ontological and the cosmological proofs of G-d. Kant claims that there can be no proofs in the realm of metaphysics because ideas do not necessarily have any relationship to reality. Kant demonstrates that all such attempted proofs of G-d are syllogisms.

According to Rabbi Triebitz there is a way of understanding Rambam that avoids Kant’s refutation.

Here are some of the sources for the shiur:

Yesodei HaTorah chapter 2 (1-2)

Hilchos Teshuva chapter 10 (8-end)

Moreh Nevuchim 1:1

and Rabbi Triebitz’s article in Reshimu – especially the relationship
between man’s thought and G-d’s thought.

As always, please send any criticisms, comments, suggestions or blessings to my e-mail address (of which I have many, but you can use admin at this website)

Video of shiur 02

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Thirteen Ikarim 02
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Thirteen Ikarim 02

13 Ikkarim 01 – Existence of G-d

This is the first shiur in a new series from Rabbi Triebitz on Rambam’s 13 principles of faith. The first principle is the existence of G-d, and Rabbi Triebitz shows how Rambam proves that from Moreh Nevuchiim (Guide II:intro and 1). It is not easy to get your head around these concepts, and probably a good knowledge of Aristotle would be helpful, but there are many misunderstandings of Rambam, and hopefully after hearing this shiur you will be less likely to say something which completely contradicts Rambam’s ideas and thoughts.
Hopefully this is the first in a series which will cover all 13 principles.

You can watch and download the shiurim below. As always please send any comments, thoughts, ideas or criticisms to admin at

Video of shiur 01

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Thirteen Ikarim 01
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Click here to download the shiur in audio mp3 format
Thirteen Ikarim 01