13 Ikkarim 05 – Invariance Principle

In this shiur Rabbi Triebitz challenges Marc Shapiro’s claim that the later views of kabbalists are incompatible with Rambam’s concept of monotheism. Rabbi Triebitz attempts to show that the same dichotomy between G-d in and of Himself and G-d as perceived by mankind through G-d’s actions exists within the thought of Rambam and is agreed upon by all the mainstream kabbalists.

Rabbi Triebitz also begins a discussion of the fourth principle about the denial of eternity of the universe and shows why Rambam considers this to be a ‘great principle’ in the Torah of Moshe Rabbeinu. It is this concept which is the basis of free choice, as well as underlying the possibility of prophecy, miracles and revelation.

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Thirteen Ikarim 05
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Thirteen Ikarim 05

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