Monthly Archives: March 2009

History and Development of the Talmud 20

Summary, History and Siyum

This shiur is basically a summary of the past 19 shiurim. Rabbi Triebitz reviews what we have covered in these shiurim, and clarifies a few points. The final date for the writing of the Talmud (and the change from an oral to a written culture) is approximately 960, just before Rabbeinu Chananel, and the Rif.

Rabbi Triebitz ends this series of shiurim discussing what mitzvah we have been doing for the past few months in learning about the history and development of the Talmud. Is it considered Talmud Torah? If not, what have we been doing and why?

This is the final shiur in this series. Hopefully we will begin a new series of shiurim after Pesach. This past series has been very successful. There has been lots of very positive feedback, and many new listeners and participants. The web site has received over 6500 hits in the past few months, which is a lot of people listening to shiurim. Baruch Hashem we have been able to spread Torah via the internet, and hopefully have encouraged people to think and to learn about Torah, history and the Talmud.

You can continue to send any questions, feedback (or donations) for Rabbi Triebitz via me. My e-mail address (one of many) is admin at Hopefully Rabbi Triebitz will be able to answer questions, but even if he doesn’t answer he certainly reads everything and is very keen to hear your thoughts and views.

See you all after Pesach.

[flv:/talmud/Talmud_20.flv 415 210]

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History and Development of the Talmud 20
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History and Development of the Talmud 20
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Negative Theology 20

Rambam and Attributes – a resolution

In this final shiur Rabbi Triebitz answers the question he posed last week. He resolves the apparent contradiction in Rambam’s views of attributing qualities to G-d in a unique and original way.

In a sense this shiur is a summary of the past 20 shiurim.

Hopefully we will continue with a new series of shiurim after Pesach. Looking forward to seeing you all (and hearing from you) then.

[flv:/negtheo/negtheo_20.flv 240 180]
Video of shiur 20

Click here to download the shiur as an flv file
Negative Theology 20
(you may have to right click on the link and click ‘save target as’)

Click here to download the shiur in audio mp3 format
Negative Theology 20

History and Development of the Talmud 19

Meiri’s Opinion

It turns out that last week’s shiur which I thought was so radical is actually just simple pshat in the Meiri. Rabbi Triebitz shows from Seder Hakaballah that the transition from oral culture to written culture took place in the 11th century at the transition from the Gaonim to the Rishonim.

Rabbi Triebitz also answers some ‘apparent’ contradictions in Rambam. For example in Hilchot Malveh ve-Loveh Rambam talks about older versions of the Talmud.

Also in his introduction to Mishne Torah he talks about the Gaonim writing commentaries on the Talmud.

Rabbi Triebitz also explains why Rishonim also wrote halachot psukot, even after the transition to the written culture. He also attempts to show that the Netziv’s concept of aish and das may be a continuation of the two strands of oral and written culture.

Next week will be the final shiur (iy”h) and we will make a siyum for anyone who wants to join in.

[flv:/talmud/talmud_19.flv 415 210]

Watch the Video Shiur

History and Development of the Talmud 19
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History and Development of the Talmud 19
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Negative Theology 19

Does Rambam really hold of the Theory of Attributes?

After 18 shiurim of Rambam’s negative theology, Rabbi Triebitz asks the question as to whether Rambam is really fooling us. He claims to reject the Muslim and Christian theory of attributes of G-d, and claims that anyone who attributes any positive qualities to G-d is not so different from one who believes in the trinity. Yet in chapters 68 and 69 Rambam clearly attributes three positive qualities to G-d.

Rabbi Triebitz reads extensively from ; Harry A. Wolfson, “The Muslim Attributes and the Christian Trinity,” Harvard Theological Review 49 (1956) which I haven’t managed to find online, or scan onto the website. If anyone has access to it and is able to share it with others please contact me or post a comment with a link.
[flv:/negtheo/negtheo_19.flv 240 180]
Video of shiur 19
Click here to download the shiur as an flv file
Negative Theology 19
(you may have to right click on the link and click ‘save target as’)

Click here to download the shiur in audio mp3 format
Negative Theology 19