Monthly Archives: June 2010

Sources of Halacha 18

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Video of shiur 18

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Sources of Halacha 18
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Source of Halacha 18

History and Philosophy of Kaballah 08

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Video of History and Philosophy of Kaballah 08

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History and Philosophy of Kaballah 08
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History and Philosophy of Kaballah 08

Sources of Halacha 17 – Safek Berachos

Rabbi Triebitz continues with Berachos 12a and the topic of safek berachos lehakel.

If someone thinks they have a cup of wine in their hand, but it turns out to be mead, do they have to make another beracha over it or not.

Tosefos there brings an interesting opinion of the R”I that there are some times when we say safek berachos lehachmir. This also seems to be the view of the Maharsha (on the spot) and perhaps also the opinion of the Avi Ozri (cited by Rabbi Akiva Eiger on the page).

Rabbi Triebitz explains that there are two different kinds of safek, one which of which we act leniently in cases of doubt, and the other stringently.

He brings the gemara in Pesachim 102 and the Maharsha there. Also the sugya in Bava Metzia which talks about the takana of hashavas gezeila.

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Video of shiur 17

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Sources of Halacha 17
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Source of Halacha 17

History and Philosophy of Kaballah 07

In this shiur Rabbi Triebitz looks again at the argument between the Arizal and the Vilna Gaon about the higher and lower unions of Abba and Ima/ Chochma and Binah.

He shows the practical differences in hashkafa between them, and claims that each of them, in addition to the philosophical view they are propounding, is describing his function and place in history.

The Arizal can be found in Sefer Maamarei Rashbi p. 59a-b (though I haven’t found it yet – please send me the correct page someone. Here is the link to the book)

The Gra appears in Safra de-Tzneiusa 13d, and the same ideas are presented in Nefesh HaChaim. Sorry, don’t have links for that yet either.

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Video of History and Philosophy of Kaballah 07

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History and Philosophy of Kaballah 07
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History and Philosophy of Kaballah 07

Sources of Halacha 16 – Blessings of Torah, Sukkah and Tefillin

This shiur is a continuation of the previous one. Rabbi Triebitz goes through Tosefos (Berachos 11b “she-kvar niftar“) carefully, and examines their comparison of the blessings of Torah and the blessings of Sukkah.

It seems that in both cases (and in the case of Tefillin) there was an original, Tannaic, view that the blessing was only required once a day. This was followed by an Amoraic opinion that required a blessing every time a person does the mitzvah. And finally the Rishonim seem to bring the mitzvah back to a modified version of the original mitzvah, limiting it to once (or a few times) a day.

Some of the sources cited in this shiur:
Berachos 11b (and Tosefos there)
Tur Orech Chaim 639
Shulchan Aruch Orech Chaim 639:8
Sukkah 45b
Tosefefta Berachos 6:15
Shulchan Aruch Orech Chaim 25:12
Rambam Hilchos Tefillah 7:10-11

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Video of shiur 16

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Sources of Halacha 16
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Source of Halacha 16

History and Philosophy of Kaballah 06

Rabbi Triebitz quotes the Arizal who claims that his concept of partzufim was known, though concealed, by Ramban and Sefer HaBahir. Rabbi Triebitz asks where and how does the Ari find allusions to this concept in those texts (apart from through Divine Inspiration, which is also the correct answer)?

He shows the similarities between the concepts of partzufim and hyuli, and again discusses ‘being’ and ‘becoming’. He also shows that the Vilna Gaon seems to argue on the Arizal as to which is the higher concept of the two.

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Video of History and Philosophy of Kaballah 06

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History and Philosophy of Kaballah 06
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History and Philosophy of Kaballah 06

Sources of Halacha 15 – Birkas HaTorah

This shiur is on the Gemara Berachos 11b which discusses the obligation to recite blessings before learning Torah. Rashi there explains why the blessing before the Shema exempts a person from saying the blessings, but Tosefos attacks him based on a Yerushalmi (Berachos 9b).

Other sources for the shiur include Rambam Hilchos Kerias Shema 1:2 and Hilchos Tefillah 7:10-11.

Rabbi Triebitz spends a lot of time learning Rabbeinu Yonah’s explanation (p. 5 in the page of the Rif).

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[flv:/sources/soh_15.flv 240 180]
Video of shiur 15

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Sources of Halacha 15
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Source of Halacha 15