In this shiur Rabbi Triebitz looks again at the argument between the Arizal and the Vilna Gaon about the higher and lower unions of Abba and Ima/ Chochma and Binah.
He shows the practical differences in hashkafa between them, and claims that each of them, in addition to the philosophical view they are propounding, is describing his function and place in history.
The Arizal can be found in Sefer Maamarei Rashbi p. 59a-b (though I haven’t found it yet – please send me the correct page someone. Here is the link to the book)
The Gra appears in Safra de-Tzneiusa 13d, and the same ideas are presented in Nefesh HaChaim. Sorry, don’t have links for that yet either.
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Video of History and Philosophy of Kaballah 07
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History and Philosophy of Kaballah 07
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History and Philosophy of Kaballah 07