Monthly Archives: May 2009

Taamei HaMitzvos 05

Olam HaBa – disembodied intellect

In this shiur Rabbi Triebitz uses a careful reading of Rambam section III; chapter 27 and section III; chapter 28 as a means of elucidating Rambam’s understanding of the fundamental issues of Olam HaBa (world to come), Techias HaMeisim (resurrection of the dead) and Yemos HaMashiach (the messianic era). His reading ties together Rambam’s discussion of these ideas in hilchos teshuva and hilchos melachim, introduction to Chelek and the letter to Luniel.

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[flv:/mnt/mnt_05.flv 240 180]
Video of shiur 05

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Taamei HaMitzvos 05
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Taamei HaMitzvos 05

Leshem Shiur 04

The Creation of Worlds

In Shaar 2 the Leshem explains the process of the creation of the worlds, how the Infinite Light descends from the highest worlds to the lowest worlds through expansion and contraction.

He begins with an explanation of the dichotomy between ‘form’ and ‘matter’, ‘body’ and ‘soul’. He then talks about how the ‘matter’ of a higher world becomes the ‘form’ of a lower world.

Rabbi Triebitz shows how these ideas are rooted in the Rambam (though he never discusses this idea of tzimtzum or the declension of worlds). He also brings other sources in the Leshem that explain this idea more fully (Chidushim u-Biurim p. 12b and Sefer HaKlalim 65b). The Leshem also explains the Rambam’s idea (which was discusses in one of the previous Moreh Nevuchim shiurim) that we cannot say that G-d created the world for the sake of man, or for any specific purpose.

Finally, Rabbi Triebitz shows how this idea is related to the neo-Kantian philosophy of Hermann Cohen, and quotes from the book “Rosenzweig and Heidegger” by Peter Eli Gordon.

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[flv:/leshem/leshem_04.flv 240 180]
Video of shiur 04

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Leshem Hakdamos u-Shearim 04
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Leshem Hakdamos u-Shearim 04

Taamei HaMitzvos 04

Rambam vs. Ramban

For many people the main knowledge of Moreh Nevuchim is when the Ramban on Chumash quotes him. The discussion of Taamei HaMitzvos is in Ramban’s commentary on Devarim 22:6 (p. 448-9 in the Chavel edition). Common wisdom has it that they disagree about whether or not there are reasons for the mitzvot.

Rabbi Triebitz learns the correct understanding in the argument between Rambam and Ramban. Rabbi Triebitz shows why this is clearly a false understanding, and goes on to explain the real point of machlokes between them.

It turns out that their real argument is the limits of negative theology, and whether mitzvot are acts of G-d, or creations of G-d.

Rabbi Triebitz then continues with section III; chapter 27 in Moreh Nevuchim.

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[flv:/mnt/mnt_04.flv 240 180]
Video of shiur 04

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Taamei HaMitzvos 04
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Taamei HaMitzvos 04

Leshem Shiur 03

Four Edifices

Rabbi Triebitz continues with chapters 7 and 8 of the first section of the Leshem. He concludes building the four foundations of the Leshem’s philosophy which he began last week.

The four are:
1. everything is revelation/creation. We can’t talk about G-d at all
2. there is no metaphor or nimshal. the revelation is irreducible
3. man connects with G-d’s Will in Atizilus when learning Torah
4. through uniting with G-d’s Will man brings about the perfection of the world.

Next week we will begin with Shaar Beis (IY”H)

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[flv:/leshem/leshem_03.flv 240 180]
Video of shiur 03

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Leshem Hakdamos u-Shearim 03
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Leshem Hakdamos u-Shearim 03

Taamei HaMitzvos 03

General and Details, Reasons and Random

This shiur is on section III; chapter 26 in Moreh Nevuchim.

Rambam explains a statement of Chazal which appears to contradict his principle that there are reasons for the mitzvot. He resolves this by explaining that although the general principle of the mitzvot are rational, the details are arbitrary and without reason.

Rabbi Triebitz explains this dichotomy with reference to Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle and quantum mechanics. But don’t worry if you don’t understand the physics, everything is explained in the end.

If you don’t believe me you can listen to it yourself.

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[flv:/mnt/mnt_03.flv 240 180]
Video of shiur 03

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Taamei HaMitzvos 03
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Taamei HaMitzvos 03

Leshem Shiur 02

Kabbalah is not a metaphor

The shiur begins with Rabbi Triebitz answering some questions from last week about the opinion of the Nefesh HaChaim and also about how Rabbi Triebitz is able to learn and teach both the Leshem and the Chasidic works that come from a totally different vantage point.

Rabbi Triebitz builds three edifices which underlie the thinking of the Leshem. One, from last week, is that we can’t know anything about G-d, but that all His names are creations. Two is that Kabbalah is not a metaphor – and the Leshem attacks the Ramchal for saying that it is. The third edifice will be discussed more fully next week.

Tune in next week for another exciting episode of the Leshem

Rabbi Triebitz reads from Sefer HaKlalim and Sefer HaDeah (sorry, not available online yet).

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[flv:/leshem/leshem_02.flv 240 180]
Video of shiur 02

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Leshem Hakdamos u-Shearim 02
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Leshem Hakdamos u-Shearim 02

Taamei HaMitzvos 02

Rational basis of the Mitzvos

This shiur continues with section III; chapter 25 in Moreh Nevuchim.

Here is a one sentence summary of the main points of the shiur from Rabbi Triebitz:

The main point that the Rambam is saying is that our belief of creation ex nihilo is not a contradiction to the idea that G-d created the world based upon a rational basis and because of that we necessarily have to understand that every act of creation has a rationale behind it – if not we make G-d into a grand cosmic idiot. In consequence we have laid the foundations for understanding that the mitzvot also have a rational basis and this is the true expression and the revelation of Toras Moshe Rabbeinu, which will be explained in detail in the remainder of Moreh Nevuchim.

Or listen to it yourself.

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[flv:/mnt/mnt_02.flv 240 180]
Video of shiur 02

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Taamei HaMitzvos 02
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Taamei HaMitzvos 02

Leshem Shiur 01

Leshem Introduction

This is Rabbi Triebitz’s introduction to the Leshem, and the Leshem’s introduction to the Hakdamos u-Shearim. (if you life in Israel you can purchase the book for around 70 shekel – In America it seems to be much more –

Rabbi Triebitz explains that this series of shiurim is not a series of shiruim on kabbalah. But it is a general introduction to the concepts and ideas of kabbalah so that a person who wishes to learn kabbalah in the future will have the tools to do so.

He also explains the importance of this kind of learning. The Leshem explains that it is an important component of Torah learning, which is unfortunately ignored by many. Furthermore there are so many ideas of kabbalah and hashkafa and mysticism being touted nowadays that it is important to know what is acceptable Jewish belief and what is paganism or heresy. For the Leshem there is a very fine line between the two.

In addition to going through part of the introduction, Rabbi Triebitz makes a beginning of shaar 1. Since this is not yet available online, and you may not have had a chance (or the inclination) to purchase a copy I’m including the text here. Unfortunately I can’t get the columns to line up, so it may be a bit difficult to find the place when he skips to the second column.

You can watch and download the shiurim below. As always please send any comments, thoughts, ideas or criticisms to admin at

[flv:/leshem/leshem_01.flv 240 180]
Video of shiur 01

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Leshem Hakdamos u-Shearim 01
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Leshem Hakdamos u-Shearim 01