Monthly Archives: December 2008

History and Development of the Talmud 11

What is the Oral Law?

Rabbi Triebitz discusses the most fundamental questions which is – What is the Oral Law?

Why do we have both Oral and Written Torah? When was the Oral Law (i.e. Mishna) written down? What difference does it make in our approach to Oral and Written Torahs? Who is entitled to make divrei Torah, and who can decide halachos?

[flv:/talmud/talmud_11.flv 415 210]

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History and Development of the Talmud 11
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History and Development of the Talmud 11
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Negative Theology 11

Negative Theology and Prayer

Warning: This shiur may harm your prayer. Listen at your own risk!

Rabbi Triebitz continues with chapter 59 of Moreh Nevuchim and addresses the fundamental issue of how to pray to a G-d who cannot be described or thought about. How are we supposed to relate to the G-d of negative theology.

The answers that the Rambam gives are interesting and surprising.

[flv:/negtheo/negtheo_11.flv 240 180]
Video of shiur 11
Click here to download the shiur as an flv file
Negative Theology 11;
(you may have to right click on the link and click ‘save target as’)

Click here to download the shiur in audio mp3 format
Negative Theology 11

History and Development of the Talmud 10

Aish – Das

Rabbi Triebitz examines the Netziv’s views on the development of the Talmud (taken from his commentary Haamek Sheila on the Sheiltos). He looks at the difference between mesorah and pilpul – described by the Netziv as Aish and Das.

[flv:/talmud/talmud_10.flv 415 210]

Watch the Video Shiur

History and Development of the Talmud 10
Download the video shiur

History and Development of the Talmud 10
Download the shiur in mp3 format