Tag Archives: Structure of Torah

The Structure of the Chumash 01 – Chazon Ish introduction

This is the first of a new series entitled “The Structure of the Chumash in the Eyes of Chazal”. In it, Rabbi Triebitz will explore and try to understand how Chazal viewed the Chumash.

He begins with the Chazon Ish, Orech Chaim 125.

Apparently the Chazon Ish wrote this piece in response to questions from a talmid of his – Tzvi Aryeh Yehuda.

You will also want to look at Ramban 20:15to understand this shiur.

These shiurim are free of charge. Please enjoy them. At the moment nobody is sponsoring the shiurim, and Rabbi Triebitz is giving of his time voluntarily. If anyone would like to have a share in the merit of these shiurim (and is in a financial position to be able to do so) we would welcome any donations. There are no overheads, so any money will go to Rabbi Triebitz. We can also give American charity tax receipts if you want. Otherwise there is a ‘donate’ button on the side of the page.
Thank you.

You can watch and download the shiurim below. As always please send any comments, thoughts, ideas or criticisms to admin at hashkafacircle.com

[flv:/Torah/RT_Torah_01.flv 240 180]
Video of shiur 01

Click here to download the shiur as an flv file
Structure of Torah 01
(you may have to right click on the link and click ‘save target as’)

Click here to download the shiur in audio mp3 format
Structure of Torah 01

Click here to download the shiur in mp4 video format
Structure of Torah 01