Author Archives: David Sedley

Rav Kook 03 – Rav Kook and the Leshem

In this series of shiurim, Rabbi Triebitz learns through a book of Rav Avraham Yitzchak HaCohen Kook entitled Ketzavim mi-Ktzav Yad Kodsho: vol. 2 – Pinkas HaDapim 1
This is published notebooks of Rav Kook’s that he probably never intended to publish or prepared for publication. However, they contain some profound (and extremely interesting) ideas.

Rabbi Triebitz continues this series of shiurim with the 3rd paragraph of section 1.

Here Rav Kook speaks about the distinction between the general, higher thought, and the specific, lower thought. If the higher apprehension penetrates into the lower apprehension it is dangerous, and destroys everything.

על כן אם על ידי ההשפעה של המחשבה העליונה יתמחקו כל האותיות של המחשבה התחתונה, הכל יועם ויוכת, המוסר יתנודד ושלמות האמונה תתרופף, החיים יחלשו והמרץ יחלש, והארץ תשאה שממה

Where is the precedent for this idea, that we should not let the higher light penetrate and erase the features of the physical world.

There was a very close connection between Rav Kook and Rav Shlomo Elyashiv, author of Leshem Sh’vo ve-Achlama. In the introduction to Chidushim u-Bi’urim. In the introduction by R’ Aryeh Levine it states that Rav Kook wrote the wording for the Leshem’s tombstone.
The Leshem writes in Sefer Ha-De’ah amud 57b in the paragraph beginning עוד … a strong attack explicitly against Nefesh HaChaim sha’ar 3 (though the view of Nefesh HaChaim is not so different in this respect from that of the Tanya). The Leshem rejects their view that the physical world has no independent reality, but is merely an illusion. He writes:
ולכן אמרו כי אין מציאות ודמיון לעולם כלל…

This understanding of the Leshem, that tzimtzum cannot be understood non-literally, is paraphrased by Rav Kook using metaphor of sun shining etc. This shows clearly that our goal must be focusing on the physical world, which has a reality.

The goal of humanity is to perfect the physical world, and through that G-d will perfect the spiritual world.

Ramchal learns tzimtzum in a non-literal way, but not in the same way as the Tanya and Nefesh HaChaim.

What kind of perfection can occur in the physical world without any ain sof penetrating into it, according to the Leshem’s understanding of literal tzimtzum.

How can Rav Kook synthesis these two diametrically opposed views of the Leshem and Ramchal which have different understandings of tzimtzum and rectification.

The answer to this question will have to wait until next week when Rabbi Triebitz will look at the resolution of perfection and tzimtzum in the thought of Rav Kook, and the nature of the relationship between spiritual and natural world. Next week: Sections 25 and 26

We hope you enjoy these shiurim.
At the moment, these shiurim are free of charge because Rabbi Triebitz has generously volunteered his time and there are no overheads. If you would like to show your appreciation to Rabbi Triebitz, please contribute to this site by pressing the ‘donate’ button on the side of the page. Contributors will receive American tax receipts for charity upon request.

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Video of shiur 03

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Rav Kook Notebooks 03
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Rav Kook Notebooks 03

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Rav Kook Notebooks 03

Rav Kook 02 – Man’s view, G-d’s view

In this series of shiurim, Rabbi Triebitz learns through a book of Rav Avraham Yitzchak HaCohen Kook entitled Ketzavim mi-Ktzav Yad Kodsho: vol. 2 – Pinkas HaDapim 1
This is published notebooks of Rav Kook’s that he probably never intended to publish or prepared for publication. However, they contain some profound (and extremely interesting) ideas.

In this shiur Rabbi Triebitz brings the sources of Rav Kook’s views from the Ramchal. In Sefer Klalim Rishonim Ramchal presents the mashal and the nimshal, connecting the theory of the Arizal/Etz Chaim to the reality of the physical world. Rav Kook takes that idea, but instead of focusing on G-d’s viewpoint (as Ramchal does) Rav Kook looks at it from a human point of view. He brings kaballah into the realm of philosophy and the evolution of ideas.

We hope you enjoy these shiurim.
At the moment, these shiurim are free of charge because Rabbi Triebitz has generously volunteered his time and there are no overheads. If you would like to show your appreciation to Rabbi Triebitz, please contribute to this site by pressing the ‘donate’ button on the side of the page. Contributors will receive American tax receipts for charity upon request.

You can watch and download the shiurim below. As always please send any comments, thoughts, ideas or criticisms to admin at

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Video of shiur 02

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Rav Kook Notebooks 02
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Rav Kook Notebooks 02

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Rav Kook Notebooks 02

Rav Kook 01 – Introduction, Upper and Lower Lights

In this new series of shiurim, Rabbi Triebitz learns through a book of Rav Avraham Yitzchak HaCohen Kook entitled Ketzavim mi-Ktzav Yad Kodsho: vol. 2 – Pinkas HaDapim 1
This is published notebooks of Rav Kook’s that he probably never intended to publish or prepared for publication. However, they contain some profound (and extremely interesting) ideas.

In a general introduction, explaining the strong thematic links between Rav Kook and Ramchal, Rav Treibitz recommends learning the introduction to Orot HaKodesh written by the Nazir, Rav David Cohen, which describes his first meeting with Rav Kook and how he came to be a talmid of his.

Rabbi Triebitz begins reading the first section of the notebook, which discusses upper and lower lights of intellect. Rav Kook also mentions explicitly ideas of Spinoza and Kant, and discusses the development of philosophical ideas.

Rav Kook says that there is innate spiritual content to the mundane, physical world. This must first be rectified by the lower light before the upper light can penetrate. Otherwise it could cause more damage than good.

We hope you enjoy these shiurim.
At the moment, these shiurim are free of charge because Rabbi Triebitz has generously volunteered his time and there are no overheads. If you would like to show your appreciation to Rabbi Triebitz, please contribute to this site by pressing the ‘donate’ button on the side of the page. Contributors will receive American tax receipts for charity upon request.

You can watch and download the shiurim below. As always please send any comments, thoughts, ideas or criticisms to admin at

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Video of shiur 01

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Rav Kook Notebooks 01
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Rav Kook Notebooks 01

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Rav Kook Notebooks 01

The Oral Tradition of the Written Law and Social Media

In this shiur Rabbi Triebitz continues explaining the verses regarding Yom Kippur, and how they are interpreted by the Oral Tradition of the Written Law.

The Talmud in Yoma 70b-71a discusses verse 23 (Vayikra chapter 16) which seems to be in the wrong place.

Rav David Tzvi Hofman explains that this second time Aharon was permitted to enter the Holy of Holies without the cloud of incense. Go to if you would like to learn more on this topic.

The section of sacrifices in Pinchas (Bamidbar 29:7) discusses the communal sacrifices. However, the Gemara (Yoma 71a) tries to connect those communal sacrifices to the service of the Cohen Gadol (through a dispute between Rabbi Akiva and Rabbi Eliezer).

On a tangent, Rabbi Triebitz discusses the argument between the Saducees and the Rabbis regarding the correct order of incense/entering the Holy of Holies and connects it to their fundamental dispute regarding the validity of the Oral Law.

This is the last shiur in this series.

This shiur is sponsored anonymously and is l’ilui nishmat Michael Yirmiyahu (Jeremy) haCohen Barkan.
To sponsor a shiur please contact admin at

We hope you enjoy these shiurim.
At the moment, these shiurim are free of charge because Rabbi Triebitz has generously volunteered his time and there are no overheads. If you would like to show your appreciation to Rabbi Triebitz, please contribute to this site by pressing the ‘donate’ button on the side of the page. Contributors will receive American tax receipts for charity upon request.

You can watch and download the shiurim below. As always please send any comments, thoughts, ideas or criticisms to admin at

Video of shiur 10

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Oral Tradition of the Written Torah 10
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Oral Tradition of the Written Torah 10

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Oral Tradition of the Written Torah 10

The Oral Tradition of the Written Law 09 – Yom Kippur Continued

This shiur is sponsored anonymously and is l’ilui nishmat Michael Yirmiyahu (Jeremy) haCohen Barkan.
To sponsor a shiur please contact admin at

In this shiur, Rabbi Triebitz gives his explanation and understanding of some of the verses in the Torah regarding Yom Kippur. Last week he asked questions on the explanation of the Chayei Adam. This week, his own explanation has to do not with purity and impurity, but with connecting to the Divine.

This shiur will not only give you a new understanding of the Chumash, but also show the connection between Rambam’s hilchot Teshuva and the mishnayot, and bring it all back to the Written Torah.

We hope you enjoy these shiurim.
At the moment, these shiurim are free of charge because Rabbi Triebitz has generously volunteered his time and there are no overheads. If you would like to show your appreciation to Rabbi Triebitz, please contribute to this site by pressing the ‘donate’ button on the side of the page. Contributors will receive American tax receipts for charity upon request.

You can watch and download the shiurim below. As always please send any comments, thoughts, ideas or criticisms to admin at

Video of shiur 09

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Oral Tradition of the Written Torah 09
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Oral Tradition of the Written Torah 09

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Oral Tradition of the Written Torah 09

The Oral Tradition of the Written Law 08 – Yom Kippur

This shiur is sponsored anonymously and is l’ilui nishmat Michael Yirmiyahu (Jeremy) haCohen Barkan.
To sponsor a shiur please contact admin at

Rabbi Triebitz now turns to the verses in the Torah which describe the service of the Cohen Gadol on Yom Kippur. He begins by looking at Parshat Acharei Mot (Vayikra chapter 16).

Chazal tell us that verse 23 is out of order. Furthermore, why does the Torah not mention that this should occur on Yom Kippur until the very end (verse 29)?

Chochmat Adam (at the end of Hilchot Aveilut) cites an answer from the Vilna Gaon explaining the unusual order of verses, and the use of Aharon instead of Cohen.

Rabbi Triebitz explains this answer, then challenges it from a verse in Parshat Tetzaveh. And finds a resolution. Next week he will explain his alternative answer to the Vilna Gaon on the verses in Acharei Mot.

We hope you enjoy these shiurim.
At the moment, these shiurim are free of charge because Rabbi Triebitz has generously volunteered his time and there are no overheads. If you would like to show your appreciation to Rabbi Triebitz, please contribute to this site by pressing the ‘donate’ button on the side of the page. Contributors will receive American tax receipts for charity upon request.

You can watch and download the shiurim below. As always please send any comments, thoughts, ideas or criticisms to admin at

Video of shiur 08

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Oral Tradition of the Written Torah 08
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Oral Tradition of the Written Torah 08

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Oral Tradition of the Written Torah 08

The Oral Tradition of the Written Law 07 – Korban Pesach II

This shiur is sponsored anonymously and is l’ilui nishmat Michael Yirmiyahu (Jeremy) haCohen Barkan.
Anyone interested in sponsoring future shiurim should please contact me.

In this shiur Rabbi Triebitz shows how Chazal understood that the Torah itself contains structures which look like derashot, mishnayot and gemara. He shows this through the different verses of Korban Pesach.

Hopefully when I have time I’ll put links to the sources. In the meantime, enjoy the shiur (and if anyone wants to leave a comment with a summary and sources feel free to do so).

We hope you enjoy these shiurim.
At the moment, these shiurim are free of charge because Rabbi Triebitz has generously volunteered his time and there are no overheads. If you would like to show your appreciation to Rabbi Triebitz, please contribute to this site by pressing the ‘donate’ button on the side of the page. Contributors will receive American tax receipts for charity upon request.

You can watch and download the shiurim below. As always please send any comments, thoughts, ideas or criticisms to admin at

[flv:/Written_Torah/WT_07.flv 240 180]
Video of shiur 07

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Oral Tradition of the Written Torah 07
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Oral Tradition of the Written Torah 07

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Oral Tradition of the Written Torah 08

The Oral Tradition of the Written Law 07 – Korban Pesach II

This shiur is sponsored anonymously and is l’ilui nishmat Michael Yirmiyahu (Jeremy) haCohen Barkan.
Anyone interested in sponsoring future shiurim should please contact me.

In this shiur Rabbi Triebitz shows how Chazal understood that the Torah itself contains structures which look like derashot, mishnayot and gemara. He shows this through the different verses of Korban Pesach.

Hopefully when I have time I’ll put links to the sources. In the meantime, enjoy the shiur (and if anyone wants to leave a comment with a summary and sources feel free to do so).

We hope you enjoy these shiurim.
At the moment, these shiurim are free of charge because Rabbi Triebitz has generously volunteered his time and there are no overheads. If you would like to show your appreciation to Rabbi Triebitz, please contribute to this site by pressing the ‘donate’ button on the side of the page. Contributors will receive American tax receipts for charity upon request.

You can watch and download the shiurim below. As always please send any comments, thoughts, ideas or criticisms to admin at

Video of shiur 07

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Oral Tradition of the Written Torah 07
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Oral Tradition of the Written Torah 07

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Oral Tradition of the Written Torah 08

The Oral Tradition of the Written Law 06- Korban Pesach

This shiur is sponsored anonymously and is l’ilui nishmat Michael Yirmiyahu (Jeremy) haCohen Barkan.
Please contact me if you would like to sponsor a shiur.

In this shiur Rabbi Triebitz looks at the different references to Korban Pesach in the chumash. He shows that Ramban explains, and Chazal understood, that Devarim is a commentary on Shemot, that the references in Devarim to Pesach are only to be understood in light of the pesukim in Shemot (and vice versa).

We hope you enjoy these shiurim.
At the moment, these shiurim are free of charge because Rabbi Triebitz has generously volunteered his time and there are no overheads. If you would like to show your appreciation to Rabbi Triebitz, please contribute to this site by pressing the ‘donate’ button on the side of the page. Contributors will receive American tax receipts for charity upon request.

You can watch and download the shiurim below. As always please send any comments, thoughts, ideas or criticisms to admin at

Video of shiur 06

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Oral Tradition of the Written Torah 06
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Oral Tradition of the Written Torah 06

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Oral Tradition of the Written Torah 06

The Oral Tradition of the Written Law 05 – Ramban

This series of shiurim is sponsored anonymously and is l’ilui nishmat Michael Yirmiyahu (Jeremy) haCohen Barkan.

In his introduction to Devarim, Ramban discusses the nature of the book. In this shiur we will look at Ramban’s understanding of Devarim, and the orality of the Written Torah.

In his commentary to Devarim 1:1 Ramban mentions the dual function of the book of Devarim:

ואמר עוד כי הואיל משה באר את התורה, וזה רמז במצות שנאמרו כבר שיחזור אותם לבאר אותם ולחדש בהם דברים.

וטעם “הואיל משה”, שרצה לבאר להם את התורה, והזכיר כן להודיע כי מעצמו ראה לעשות כן ולא צוהו השם בזה, מלשון הואל נא ולין (שופטים יט ו), ולו הואלנו ונשב (יהושע ז ז), וכן רבים:

1. It is an explanation of the Torah
2. It introduces Moshe’s novellae
3. Moshe Rabbeinu initiated both of these things

On Devarim 5:11 Ramban explains the difference between the first and second sets of Ten Commandments. He rejects the simple understanding of “Remember” and “Observe” were said at the same time, and instead explains that only “Remember” was written (in both sets of tablets) but that Moshe received an oral tradition of “Observe” at the same time. When he explains the meaning of the Ten Commandments in Devarim, he chose to explain the second meaning which he had received.

Clearly Moshe did not make up anything himself, because as Ramban says, the Shechina was speaking from his throat. Nevertheless, it is presented as if Moshe said these things himself.

The Talmud in Berachot 20b learns from the duality of “Remember” and “Observe” that women are obligated from the Torah to say kiddush. According to Ramban’s reading this limmud is valid because it is implied within the word “Remember” and was given with it, but as an oral tradition as opposed to a written tradition.

Perhaps this also explains Rambam’s halacha (Hilchot Shabbat chapter 30) that the positive mitzvot of Shabbat begin mainly before nightfall. If the positive mitzvot, “Remember” is the same as the negative mitzvot “Observe” then their obligation should both begin at the same time.

The Talmud in Bava Kama 54b55a contains a surprising question and answer:

(Soncino English translation)

R. Hanina b. ‘Agil asked R. Hiyya b. Abba: Why in the first Decalogue is there no mention of wellbeing, whereas in the second Decalogue there is a mention of wellbeing? � He replied: While you are asking me why wellbeing is mentioned there, ask me whether wellbeing is in fact mentioned or not, as I do not know whether wellbeing is mentioned there or not. Go therefore to R. Tanhum b. Hanilai who was intimate with R. Joshua b. Levi, who was an expert in Aggadah. When he came to him he was told by him thus: ‘From R. Joshua b. Levi I have not heard anything on the matter. But R. Samuel b. Nahum the brother of the mother of R. Aha son of R. Hanina, or as others say the father of the mother of R. Aha son of R. Hanina, said to me this: Because the [first tablets containing the] Commandments were destined to be broken.’ But even if they were destined to be broken, how should this affect [the mention of wellbeing]? � R. Ashi thereupon said: God forbid! Wellbeing would then have ceased in Israel.

Look at the Pnei Yehoshua on the gemara, who stresses how shocking it is that Rabbi Hiyya appears to not know the text of the Chumash (and look at his explanation and answer there)

Rabbi Yaakov Kaminetsky, in Emes le-Yaakov on Devarim 5:12 discusses this gemara, and explains that the differences between the two sets of Tablets is because there was a ‘ketiv’ and a ‘keri’. And that is the basis of Rabbi Hiyya’s doubt.

However Rabbi Triebitz offers a different explanation. He says, based on Ramban, that the differences are Moshe’s explanation. The reason the question is only on the word ‘tov’ and not on any of the many other differences, is because all the other differences are halachic. ‘Tov’ is reward in the world to come and is therefore an aggadic difference.
This is why Ramban says that some things are explanation of what was given at Sinai (halacha) and some things are Moshe’s novellae (based on the Shechina speaking through him) which are aggadic.

Ramban also explains similarly in his commentary to Devarim 7:9 that Moshe alludes to reincarnation in his explanation of the Torah.

We hope you enjoy these shiurim.
At the moment, these shiurim are free of charge because Rabbi Triebitz has generously volunteered his time and there are no overheads. If you would like to show your appreciation to Rabbi Triebitz, please contribute to this site by pressing the ‘donate’ button on the side of the page. Contributors will receive American tax receipts for charity upon request.

You can watch and download the shiurim below. As always please send any comments, thoughts, ideas or criticisms to admin at

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Oral Tradition of the Written Torah 05
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Oral Tradition of the Written Torah 05

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Oral Tradition of the Written Torah 05