Rambam on Creation 9-12

Here are the next four shiurim from last year’s course given by Rabbi Triebitz. He learned through the sections of Moreh Nevuchim which speak about creation. These shiurim cover such concepts as creation ex-nihilo and the meaning of the beginning of Bereishis.

Shiur 9

Section I Chapter 15

[flv:/ramvid/Rambam_9.flv 240 180]

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Creation 9

Creation 09

Shiur 10

Section I Chapter 16

[flv:/ramvid/Rambam_10.flv 240 180]

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Creation 10

Creation 10

Shiur 11

Section I Chapter 17

[flv:/ramvid/Rambam_11.flv 240 180]

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Creation 11

Creation 11

Shiur 12

Section I Chapter 17

[flv:/ramvid/Rambam_12.flv 240 180]

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Creation 12

Creation 12

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